Templum Rosae
Lodge N°863

Instituted, 8 December A∴L∴ 6016
Constituted, 10 November A∴L∴ 6017
Free & Accepted Masons of the State of California


What is Masonry?

Masonry is the world’s first and largest fraternal organization.  It is guided by the enduring belief that each man has a responsibility to make the world a better place.  For 300 years, Freemasonry has enhanced and strengthened the character of individual men by providing opportunities for fellowship, charity, and the search for truth – within ourselves and the larger world.


Our Lodge


Templum Rosae Lodge № 863 maintains a culture centered on fellowship, sincerity, service, charity, and education.  

Whilst working the Grand Lodge of California’s mandated “Preston-Webb” or “Barney” ritual, notwithstanding, our lodge provides a true uniqueness by way of our cherished customs. 

In addition, our lodge believes that a Mason’s journey culminates in the august degree of the Holy Royal Arch and can be well enriched by participation in various units of the Progressive Orders. 


Visiting Brethren

Visiting brethren are always cheerfully welcome at all our meetings, but due to limited space we ask that all inquiries for visitation be made at least thirty-days prior to the proposed visit.

Our lodge holds its regular quarterly business meetings and ceremonies on the third Sunday in the months of February, May, September, and November (Installation).

Please contact the lodge secretary for more details.

Contact us

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Masonic news

California Freemason: There’s No Place Like Lodge

Could the simple act of joining a MasonicLodge be the key to rebuilding trust and strengthening democracy?

Winter 2024 Issue Out Now: A Sense of Belonging

In this issue of California Freemason Magazine, we’re exploring the ways in which groups like the Masons can help members build social capital—a term first popularized by the sociologist Robert Putnam.

Download the Simple Guide to Freemasonry

Discuss your Masonic experience with others easily by downloading the simple guide to Freemasonry and brushing up on the basics.

A Conversation with ChatGPT About Freemasonry

What does ChatGPT have to say about Freemasonry? In the newest issue of California Freemason magazine, we asked the AI for its take.

Fall 2024 Issue Out Now: The Heroes of Freemasonry

Whether it’s the super idea behind a new charity, the fantastic team powering the state’s fastest-growing lodges, or the marvels of lodge administration, these heroes don’t wear capes, but they do wear aprons.

A Conversation With Two Grand Masters

Check out our latest video feature, an enlightening conversation between Grand Master G. Sean Metroka and Prince Hall Grand Master David San Juan, two distinguished leaders in California #Freemasonry.

Summer 2024 Issue Out Now: Prince Hall, Then and Now

Take a deep dive into the history and legacy of Prince Hall the man, as well as the history of the organization that today bears his name.

Brick by Brick: Inside a Lodge-Building Boom

In this issue of California Freemason, we’re exploring what it takes to get new lodges off the ground, and how they define themselves within the landscape of Masonry in the state.

Join Us and Let Your Network Know #ImAMason!

Between July 10–21, we’re asking all members who are comfortable doing so to post a short message on Facebook or Instagram saying why Freemasonry is important to you. 

California Freemason: The Magic Issue

In the Magic Issue of California Freemason magazine, we’re casting a light on some of those similar connections between magic and Masonry.

California Freemason: In Masonry and Politics, Finding Common Ground

Most people know that there are two things that Masons don’t discuss in the lodge room: politics and religion. Instead, they focus on the things that bind them, not that divide. Could that be a model for a more harmonious world outside the lodge?

California Freemason Magazine: The Temple Issue

In this issue of California Freemason Magazine, we’re casting our gaze anew at our fraternal home, the California Masonic Memorial Temple in San Francisco.

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